“Life on a farm is a school of patience;
you can’t hurry the crops or make an ox in two days”
— Henri Alain
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About Ag in the Classroom
OUR AG IN THE CLASSROOM MISSION: To promote agricultural awareness, education and understanding among students, teachers and the general public in order to ensure our continued access to a safe, abundant and affordable domestic food supply grown in a manner to protect human health and the quality of our environment.
Last year Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom
Reached 484,000 students in Illinois
Direct contact with and FREE materials to 31,342 teachers
Taught 1,200 pre-service teachers
In 2012 Kane County Agriculture in the Classroom
Reached over 5,000 students
Provided resources to nearly 800 educators
Visited 140 schools and education center
Attended community events with total attendance of over 22,000 people