“We have to bring children into a new relationship to food
that connects them to culture and agriculture.”
— Alice Waters
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Classroom Resources
Lesson in a Bucket:
Lesson in a Bucket is a great way for Kane County teachers to grow knowledge about agriculture in their classrooms. We lend these themed buckets containing an assortment of books, activities and AgMags about pumpkins (pictured above), corn, dairy, apples and more. The lessons and activities are fun and varied and give students the opportunity to think about, and appreciate, agriculture.
Each lesson plan provides a learning blueprint including target grade, subject, length of lesson, objective, materials needed, standards, suggested readings (some of which are in the bucket) as well as instructions from beginning to end.
Call Kelcee, Ag in the Classroom coordinator, at 630-584-8660 or email AITC@kanecfb.com to reserve your Lesson in a Bucket!
Free Distribution:
Ag Mags* The Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom Ag Mags are 4-page, colorful agricultural magazines for kids. They contain information about agriculture, bright pictures, classroom activities and agricultural careers. Ag Mags come in classroom packs of 30 and are free to all Illinois teachers.
Agriculture info 24-7:
Our Little Lending Library has themed titles each month that are fun, fascinating, and available at no charge. This month’s theme is Dairy. The library is located in the little red barn under the windmill in our parking lot, and you can stop by anytime to shop the crop of info.
You can also stop by our office M-F, 8:30-4:30 to check out ag-themed books from our library. You’ll find an assortment of children- or adult-themed titles about all things ag.
Resources are available year-round and may be obtained by contacting the Kane County Farm Bureau. Due to staff size, budget limitations and the growing non-farm population, both classroom visits and farm tours are extremely limited.
Kane County Farm Bureau is seeking people with energy and enthusiasm to carry out Ag-in-the- Classroom activities and assist with educational events. If you are interested in participating in any AITC activity, from classroom visits to County Fair demonstrations, to collating
materials for teachers, please contact us at (630)584-8660, or aitc@kanecfb.com